by Mary Meeds

Inside and outside, we’ve been working to make little changes that add up to big impact at Dunrovin. Like the way each little leaf on a tree changes during autumn, creating a dance of brilliant color in the entire tree.
Some people love autumn in Minnesota. The ground’s warmth, the cool nights, football and bonfires, happy memories of the first day of school. Others find autumn a frightening time as daylight wanes and the promise of winter wraps its fingers around our schedules.
As we all grapple with these unsettled days, let us remember that God is present in this moment.
Loving and gracious God, our lives are filled with unpredictable twists and turns, but we are filled with confidence that you will guide us through all of the challenges we will face. As we journey through the mysteries of life, help us to remember our constant need to depend on you for strength and sustenance. We ask you to raise up brothers, sisters, priests, and lay ministers who will make the Lasallian charism a visible and vibrant reality in our time. At the same time, we remember humbly the words of our Founder: “Do not have any anxiety about the future. Leave everything in God’s hands, for he will take care of you.” Amen
Brother Johnathon Emanuelson, FSC