On Sunday, March 16, 2014, Dunrovin celebrated its 50th year anniversary. Father Tom Thompson, an important part of Dunrovin’s history serving at youth retreats and being a board member, said Mass. Around sixty guests came to show their support and thankfulness for the retreat center.
Multiple Christian Brothers returned to the center that their order founded for youth retreats. Cretin High School (now Cretin Derham Hall) was the original group to hold a retreat. Other Lasallian schools soon began to use Dunrovin as well. Most of the brothers present at the Mass taught at these schools. Others had lived and worked at Dunrovin in the past. Having the Christian Brothers return to the retreat center that they established brought the past dreams, present goals, and overarching vision together. Also, this event gave director Jerome Meeds the chance to thank and honor the Christian Brothers on behalf of Dunrovin.

Youth who have been touched by Dunrovin over the years were also present. Alumni from the Junior and Senior High Get-Away Retreats led music while DLITE leaders and participants were lectors and altar servers. These young adults attested to the impact that retreats made on students throughout the years. Jim Franzen, Mary Howard, and Tim Stanoch are examples of this. Once retreat members in high school, they now are the three youth ministers for the Get-Away Retreats. Brothers who recognized these three from youth retreats laughed at the irony and marveled at how Dunrovin’s tradition has continued to grow.

Board members and current staff made up the rest of the guests. These significant people have kept Dunrovin running over the years by providing hospitality to guests and maintaining the central mission. Numerous employees served at the retreat center over the years. However, the strong sense of community causes bonds the staff. Past workers still reach out to Dunrovin. Loyalty causes many board members to remain for years and continue supporting the center even after their time on the board is finished.
After the Mass, guests enjoyed brownies in the dining room. Mingling of the youth with Christian Brothers showed how Dunrovin continues to pursue its original goal with new programs. Overall, the past 50 years have made the center stronger and more expansive while keeping to its foundation of teaching youth and caring for those in need.