As she sweeps into the room, the day becomes a bit livelier with her enthusiasm. “I need to move!” this bright light of a woman exclaims. In fact, Stella Lundquist is a mover and a shaker and lives the words of Romans 12:11, “Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.” She is also a generous, capable woman, a friend of Dunrovin Christian Brothers Retreat Center since 1992, and the recipient of the 2018 Brother I. Damian Award, at the Dunrovin 26th Annual Sunset Benefit Cruise on July 30, 2018.
Stella’s 4-page resume is sprinkled with words defining her volunteer positions during the past 55 years. She has given her time and efforts to achieve words such as “president,” “chair,” “founder,” “speaker,” “delegate,” and “lobbyist.” She has spent her life serving others. Stella lives the words of Christ Jesus through the Apostle John, “My command is this: Love one another as I have loved you.” Her passions include social services, ecumenism, mental health, hospice, pro-life, and human services. It makes sense that Stella would find time to serve the Retreat Center as well.
At the urging of Br. Dominic Ehrmantraut, Stella Lundquist joined the Dunrovin Board of Directors in 1992. (Each of her eight children had attended Brady High School in West St. Paul, Minnesota, where “Br. Dominic let them get away with a lot!” He influenced her children in good ways.) Why did Stella volunteer on the Board for a total pushing fifteen years? Simply put, she loves the Christian Brothers’ Lasallian spirituality. “I enjoy working with the Brothers. They have a special approach to spirituality. It is an action-oriented approach, not just mental. Their spirituality sticks with me and I continue to think about it. Their action is special.”
In fact, taking action – being game changers – undergirds the entire youth program at the Retreat Center. Staff works to develop students’ personal strengths, inspiring them to become leaders within the context of their Christian lives. This mentoring both frees the students from their comfort zones and challenges the youth to take positive action to influence the world around them. The students are encouraged to RUN THE GOOD RACE, the theme of the 2018 cruise.
Stella Lundquist embodies these words with every ounce of her vivacious self! Her support of Dunrovin’s mission and staff since 1992 embraces the dream of Brother I. Damian, the Christian Brother whose vision planted the seed in the 1950s for the mission of the Christian Brothers Retreat Center. When asked why she champions the Dunrovin youth programs, Stella simply and emphatically commands, “Go! Send your kids!” Pressed for more, Stella explains that she observes three things: Dunrovin delivers a good product, excels in openness to change and improvement, and creates space for not only group spirituality but also individual spirituality. In these ways, Dunrovin Christian Brothers Retreat Center runs the good race, as young people are called forth to be leaders, movers, and shakers in their world.
In gratitude for her longevity of service, magnanimous support, and unwavering encouragement, Stella receives the 2018 Brother I. Damian Award. Thank you, Stella Lundquist, an amazing woman and friend, and a living example of how we can all run the good race well.
Click here to reserve your seat on the 26th Annual Sunset Benefit Cruise, July 30, 2018, with special guest MN Viking all-pro Matt Birk.