Dunrovin | Christian Brothers Retreat Center
Come Away With Me Retreats

Come Away With Me Retreats

I see the true value of retreating from the routine of life and sitting with God.”

Retreat Participant

Consider time away – for only a day – to refresh your mind, body, and spirit and to listen for the whisper of God’s personal love for you. God invites you to “come away with Me.”


Want to learn more?

Read our blog Come Away With Me and Rest

How much does it cost?

There is no charge for the one-day retreat. If you are able, a free-will offering is much appreciated. Contact Guest Services to discuss the cost of an overnight stay before or after the retreat, if you prefer.

What is this retreat about?

Each retreatant is welcomed into God’s love through a variety of quiet and prayerful activities:

  • Worship and music
  • Hourly 10-minute prayer meditations followed by quiet prayer time
  • Lectio Divina, Ignatian meditation, Eucharistic adoration
  • Short talks – Simple tools for skills in daily living in the grace of God
  • Sharing a meal together
  • Sharing our God Stories
  • Read more in our blog – Come Away With Me and Rest

Why go on a retreat?

  • Daily life bombards us with stimuli, decisions, tension, relationships, and activities.
  • A retreat offers external time and space to quiet down your internal mind and body.
  • God wants to spend time with you. God loves you.

What should I bring?

  • Bring whatever may help you with your personal prayer. We have many Bibles available, but you may prefer to bring your own.
  • A journal, prayer shawl, rosary, etc. may help you with your prayer.
  • Dress comfortably.
  • Bring outdoor clothing and boots if you desire to walk Dunrovin’s beautiful woodland paths. Be aware that some paths may be icy or muddy.
  • A meal will be provided, but feel free to bring your favorite snack or treat if you would like to share. It is a fun part of the retreat!
  • If you are able, please consider a freewill donation.
  • Bring your worries, concerns, fears, and hurt. God wants to meet you in these places.
  • Bring your hope that God is able to meet you where you need Him.

Who leads the retreat?

Retreat Leaders Jerome and Mary Meeds bring their extensive experience as pastoral care ministers to the Come Away With Me retreats. Jerome is the executive director of Dunrovin and a certified life coach. He has worked in youth ministry and spiritual direction since 1980 and ministered to adults as well since 1985. Mary, a registered nurse and Dunrovin’s executive assistant, worked as a pastoral care worker since 1986. She passionately loves mothers, special needs children, and anyone experiencing grief, confusion, or struggle. Check out the Dunrovin blogs to learn more about their faith in the personal love of God.

Jerome and Mary long for everyone to recognize themselves as beloved sons and daughters of the King. In the Come Away With Me retreats, they share from the depth of healing they have received through God’s personal love and care, particularly through the powerful ministry offered by Healing the Whole Person with Dr. Bob Schuchts & team.

GuestServices@dunrovin.org | 651-433-2486